Thursday, February 23, 2017

Kathryn Bernardo joins Nadine Lustre, Heart Evangelista, and Toni Gonzaga in Pond's

The more, the merrier. Kathryn Bernardo is the newest Pond's girl. Go, girl.

Kathryn Bernardo joins Nadine Lustre, Heart Evangelista, and Toni Gonzaga in Pond's

Teen Queen Kathryn Bernardo is the newest Pond's girl as she and other female stars are formally launched in Pond's "Change is Beautiful" event which happened Wednesday night, February 22.

Kathryn now joins the female brand's current ambassadors like Nadine Lustre, Heart Evangelista, and Toni Gonzaga.

Kathryn Bernardo joins Nadine Lustre, Heart Evangelista, and Toni Gonzaga in Pond's

In her Instagram account, Kathryn wrote:

"Thankful and even more excited to face the beautiful changes in my life - now I can face it with Pond’s! So happy to be joining the Pond’s Beauty Council. To more beautiful changes ahead! 🍷 #ChangeIsBeautiful"

Kathryn Bernardo joins Nadine Lustre, Heart Evangelista, and Toni Gonzaga in Pond's
Kathryn Bernardo joins Nadine Lustre, Heart Evangelista, and Toni Gonzaga in Pond's

A week before the launch, she expressed her excitement over her newest endorsement. "
Extremely thrilled to finally be a Pond's Girl! So surreal. 😍", she said.

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