Friday, September 19, 2014

Derek Ramsay's son writes Judge a letter. And it's so heartbreaking!

Austin Ramsay, the son of Derek Ramsay with Mary Christine Jolly, has submitted a hand written letter to the judge hearing his parents' case against each other. In the letter, Austin described Derek Ramsay as a liar and an evil person, how obssessed his father to cars and money. He also wrote that he wishes his father would go to jail.

Derek Ramsay's son writes Judge a letter. And it's so heartbreakiing!

Austin Ramsay, the son of Derek Ramsay with Mary Christine Jolly, has submitted a hand written letter to the judge hearing his parents' case against each other. In the letter, Austin described Derek Ramsay as a liar and an evil person, how obssessed his father to cars and money. He also wrote that he wishes his father would go to jail.

Here's the full letter. (Just keep a tissue near you.)

Dear Judge,

I am very sad with what is happening to me and my mom. I don't want to experience all this I am just a kid. I don't deserve this. I have been reading a lot of terrible things on the internent (sic) and I just want Derek to stop making my life so difficult. I never call him dad because he doesn't deserve it. No matter how many presents he buys me won't change what he has done to me and my wonderful mom. I hate him for abandoning me and my mom. He never supported me. He is not a good father. Derek has so many girlfriends and I read that he even bought one of them a car. Derek is so obsessed with money and cars more than his family. Don't you know that family is more important? Why didn't he get me and my mom a car. Am I not important too? I hate seeing my mom suffer. She works soooo (sic) hard to take care of me. I can see how much she loves me. My mom is the best person in the universe. She tries to give me the best life I will never leave her. I cried every time I think about her growing old. I don't want her to ever leave me. I feel pain in my heart when I think of how awful Derek is. My mom is such a good person, what is his problem! I just want Derek to leave us alone, so that we can get on with our lives. I cry all the time, he never came to any of my school activities while other dads were there, I can't focus well in school because of him. I cry when I see my mom cry. Derek is a liar. He always lies. He lied saying I was not his kid, why would a father do that. What did I do wrong? When I see him he tries to get information out of me about my mom. It makes me feel uncomfortable. But I know what he is trying to do. I'm a smart boy. He always talks about his cars and his six pack abs and never asks about me. Why do I have to be forced to see him when I don't want to. My grandma told me that though Derek is big it doesn't mean he is grown up. I never want to be like him. My mom made a mistake marrying such an evil person and I wish he would go to jail so he would finally know what it feels like to be treated with no respect. The truth will prevail not his lies.

Yours truly,

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