Monday, December 16, 2013

Anne Curtis reacts to a follower who wants her to buy the misbehaved drivers

Anne Curtis reacts to one fan who who wants her to buy the misbehaved drivers. Read how the actress reacted

Monday. December 16, 2013

It was one fateful day for the passengers of Don Mariano bus transit passing the Skyway in Alabang as it fell off the skyway together with one closed van. 22 people were confirmed dead as of this writing.

Anne Curtis who just got off from the "I can buy you, your friends, and this club" controversy took to Twitter to condemn the incident.

Anne Curtis-Smith @annecurtissmith 4h

"Praying for all the lives lost on the bus accident this morning and the loved ones they left behind. Such sad news. :(

I hope this is a wake up call to the government and MMDA. This isn't the first time. Bus drivers are some of the most misbehaved drivers on the road. They are scary. Always after a quota they need to reach. The don't stay in their lines and speed like crazy

Maybe it's time we have government run & owned bus transportation. Just like any other country. Maybe it would bring more discipline? :(

One follower, a parody account of Asia's Songbird Regine Velasquez replied to one of the actress' tweets 
Regine Kalurquez
@AsiasTweetybird 4h

Please buy the 'misbehaved' bus drivers and their friends to keep them off the streets. :(

The tweet refers to Anne Curtis's famous line which happened in a luxury club in Taguig a month ago. The actress just laughed it off and replied

Anne Curtis-Smith @annecurtissmith 4h

@AsiasTweetybird haha. I wish I could. It's such sad news to hear that lives have been lost, specially since Christmas is so close :(

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